Author: Jane Marsh

  1. Energy and Environment
The fossil fuel industry's harmful effects on the environment no longer hide in the shadows. Despite calls from climate advocates to reduce carbon emissions and transition to renewables, the oil industry continues its efforts to delay action on combating climate change. However, technological advancements — specifically energy storage — could signal the end of fossil fuels’ reign over the energy industry. Learn about energy storage's role in the green revolution, and what types of facilities are emerging to support the transition to renewables. Dig deeper → 3 min
  1. Energy and Environment
As the growing European energy crisis threatens a chilling winter, experts point toward renewable energy as the solution. The outbreak of war in Ukraine has halted the flow of Russia’s natural gas to the rest of Europe, leaving many countries scrambling for ways to heat their nation’s homes. Everything from steel companies to street lighting and transportation will be affected, so the evaluation of European dependence on fossil fuels is critical. There is significant hope for a cleaner and more reliable future with sustainable, renewable energy implementation as soon as possible. Dig deeper → 3 min

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