
Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: United Kingdom

Official brand website: Visit

In the world of sustainable fashion, one brand stands out as a leader in environmental and ethical practices: Finisterre. With a strong commitment to reducing their carbon footprint, promoting worker’s rights, and ensuring animal welfare, Finisterre has earned a “Great” rating in our Planet category, an “It’s a Start” rating in our People category, and a “Good” rating in our Animals category.


Finisterre’s dedication to protecting the environment is evident in their supply chain. They prioritize the use of lower-impact materials, such as organic cotton, to minimize their ecological impact. By opting for these materials, they help limit the use of chemicals, water, and wastewater in their production processes.

Furthermore, Finisterre goes beyond the production stage to address end-of-life textile waste. They offer clothing recycling programs, giving consumers the opportunity to responsibly dispose of their worn-out Finisterre items. By promoting circularity, Finisterre contributes to the reduction of textile waste in landfills.

In addition, Finisterre is committed to creating long-lasting products. By crafting high-quality garments that are designed to stand the test of time, they encourage a slower and more sustainable approach to fashion. This focus on durability helps reduce the overall demand for new clothing and minimizes the environmental impact of the fashion industry.

To top it all off, Finisterre understands the importance of packaging. They use biodegradable packaging materials, minimizing their contribution to plastic pollution and landfill waste. Their commitment to sustainable packaging aligns with their broader mission of caring for the planet.


Ensuring the rights and well-being of workers in the fashion industry is a key aspect of sustainability. Finisterre recognizes the importance of this and has taken steps to protect workers’ rights within their supply chain.

The brand has a comprehensive Code of Conduct in place, which covers the International Labour Organization’s Four Fundamental Freedoms principles. This commitment serves as a foundation for fair and ethical labor practices throughout their operations.

Finisterre also demonstrates transparency by tracing a significant portion of their supply chain. By understanding their suppliers and their practices, they can better identify any potential issues and work towards resolving them.

While Finisterre audits some of its suppliers, there is no current evidence that they ensure workers in their supply chain are paid living wages. However, by acknowledging the need for improvement and actively working towards it, Finisterre shows a commitment to progress in this area.


Animal welfare is another important aspect of sustainability, especially in the fashion industry. Finisterre takes animal welfare seriously and has policies in place to ensure the sourcing of animal-derived products aligns with ethical standards.

They state that the wool used in their products comes from non-mulesed sheep. This demonstrates their commitment to sourcing materials in a cruelty-free manner.

Additionally, Finisterre does not appear to use other animal-derived materials, such as leather, down, fur, angora, exotic animal skin, or exotic animal hair. By avoiding these materials, they contribute to the protection of animals and the preservation of biodiversity.

Overall, based on our assessment of publicly available information, we rate Finisterre as a “Good” brand. Their commitment to environmental sustainability, worker’s rights, and animal welfare positions them as a leader in the world of sustainable fashion. By continuously striving for improvement, Finisterre sets a high standard for other brands to follow.

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