
Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Germany

Official brand website: Visit

ilovemixtapes is a brand that is making waves in the sustainable fashion industry. With an environment rating of ‘good’, the brand is committed to reducing its climate impact. It achieves this by using a medium proportion of eco-friendly materials, such as organic cotton, in its production process. By opting for these materials, ilovemixtapes limits the use of harmful chemicals, as well as reducing the amount of water and wastewater generated during production. This dedication to eco-friendly practices sets ilovemixtapes apart from other brands and positions them as a leader in sustainable fashion.

When it comes to labor practices, ilovemixtapes falls short with a rating of ‘not good enough’. While the brand does trace most of its supply chain, there is no evidence to suggest that it has a Code of Conduct in place to ensure fair and ethical treatment of workers. This is an area where ilovemixtapes can make improvements to align with their sustainable values. Additionally, there is no evidence to indicate that ilovemixtapes ensures the payment of a living wage in its supply chain, which is an important aspect of fair labor practices. To further enhance its reputation as a sustainable brand, ilovemixtapes should prioritize these issues and take steps to address them.

On the animal front, ilovemixtapes’s rating is ‘good’. The brand does not use any animal products in its production process, which makes it a good choice for consumers who prioritize animal welfare. However, it is worth noting that ilovemixtapes does not explicitly state that it is vegan. While the absence of animal products in its clothing is commendable, it would be beneficial for the brand to clearly communicate its stance on veganism to avoid any confusion among potential customers.

Overall, ilovemixtapes receives a ‘Good’ rating for its sustainability efforts. The brand’s commitment to using eco-friendly materials and renewable energy in its supply chain demonstrates its dedication to reducing its environmental impact. However, there are areas where ilovemixtapes could improve, particularly in terms of labor practices. By implementing a Code of Conduct, ensuring payment of a living wage, and conducting regular audits of its suppliers, ilovemixtapes can elevate its sustainability rating and solidify its position as a frontrunner in the sustainable fashion industry.

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