Juwelier Willer

Our Rating: 3 Stars - It's a start

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Germany

Official brand website: Visit

Juwelier Willer Sustainability Rating Overview

Juwelier Willer’s sustainability rating is specific to its house jewellery brand and does not extend to other product categories offered by the retailer. For information on other brands stocked by Juwelier Willer, individual ratings should be consulted. The rating system at Juwelier Willer evaluates brands based on their environmental policies within their supply chains. This assessment includes factors such as carbon emissions, wastewater management, business practices, and product circularity.

Planet Rating

Under the “Planet” rating, Juwelier Willer has been categorized as “It’s a Start”. This rating reflects several factors contributing to the score. Firstly, there is no evidence to suggest that the brand uses lower-impact materials in its production processes. However, to reduce waste, products are made on a made-to-order basis. Additionally, there is no substantial evidence of significant efforts to reduce water consumption. Juwelier Willer does, however, manufacture its products near its base location to minimize the carbon footprint associated with long-distance shipping.

People Rating

When it comes to evaluating the brand’s treatment of its workers, Juwelier Willer also receives an “It’s a Start” rating under the “People” category. The company’s products are created in-house by a small team. However, there is no known existence of a formal Code of Conduct, nor is there concrete evidence of ensuring that workers throughout the supply chain receive fair and living wages. Auditing of suppliers has not been confirmed.

Animals Rating

Given that Juwelier Willer predominantly offers products that are free of animal-derived materials, the brand has not been rated in terms of its impact on animals. The focus of the “Animals” rating is typically on how well brands trace and monitor animal-based products and their overall animal welfare policies.

Overall Rating

When combining the environmental and labor ratings, Juwelier Willer has been given an overall rating of “It’s a Start” based on all available information. The brand’s dedication to sustainability is apparent in its efforts to minimize waste and carbon emissions, though improvements can still be made in terms of worker rights and material sourcing.

As Juwelier Willer continues to evolve its sustainability practices, consumers can expect to see enhancements in its overall rating, reflecting a more positive impact on the planet, people, and potentially animals within its supply chain.

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