
Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Viet Nam

Official brand website: Visit

The brand Kilomet109 has been rated as “Good” in our “Planet,” “People,” and “Animals” ratings. This rating is based on various factors including their environmental policies, workers’ rights practices, and animal welfare policies. Below, we will discuss each rating and the factors that influenced the brand’s score.

Planet Rating

In terms of the brand’s environmental policies, Kilomet109 has taken several initiatives to reduce their impact on the planet. They use lower-impact materials such as organic cotton in some of their products. This choice helps to minimize the use of pesticides and chemicals in their supply chain. Additionally, Kilomet109 limits their production runs to minimize waste, which is a commendable effort.

Moreover, the brand uses low-impact dyes in most of its products. This is important as traditional dyes can have a significant negative impact on water bodies and the environment. By using low-impact dyes, Kilomet109 reduces the pollution caused by their manufacturing processes.

To further reduce their carbon footprint, Kilomet109 manufactures their products closer to home. This decision helps to minimize the climate impact of long-distance shipping. By producing their goods locally, the brand not only reduces carbon emissions but also supports the local economy.

People Rating

Kilomet109’s commitment to workers’ rights is reflected in our “People” rating. The brand ensures that its products are made in-house by the owner. This means that the production is closely monitored, and there is a higher likelihood of fair working conditions.

In addition to in-house production, Kilomet109 partners with artisans and independent makers from Vietnam. This partnership not only supports local craftsmanship but also ensures that workers are involved in the production process and are treated fairly.

The brand also traces most of its supply chain, which is an essential practice in ensuring transparency and accountability. However, it’s not clear whether Kilomet109 ensures that workers are paid living wages in its supply chain. This aspect could be improved upon to further enhance their “People” rating.

Animals Rating

In terms of animal welfare, Kilomet109 receives a “Good” rating based on our assessment. While it appears that the brand uses silk, there is no evidence of the use of other animal-derived materials such as leather, wool, down, fur, angora, exotic animal skin, or exotic animal hair. This indicates a conscious effort to avoid animal exploitation in their products.

Furthermore, Kilomet109’s animal welfare policies and practices are not explicitly mentioned. However, their focus on using lower-impact materials such as organic cotton and low-impact dyes indirectly contributes to the well-being of animals by reducing pollution and environmental harm.

Overall Rating

Based on all publicly available information we’ve reviewed, we rate Kilomet109 as “Good” overall. The brand showcases a commitment to sustainability through its environmental policies, workers’ rights practices, and animal welfare considerations.

However, there is room for improvement, particularly in ensuring workers are paid living wages in their supply chain. By addressing this aspect, Kilomet109 can further enhance their rating and solidify their position as a leader in sustainable and ethical fashion.

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