Peninsula Swimwear

Our Rating: 3 Stars - It's a start

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Italy

Official brand website: Visit

Peninsula Swimwear is a brand that focuses on sustainability in the fashion industry. In terms of their environmental policies, the brand has been rated as “It’s a Start” by our “Planet” rating. This rating takes into account various factors in the brand’s supply chain, such as carbon emissions, wastewater management, business models, and product circularity.

One positive aspect of Peninsula Swimwear is that they use a high proportion of lower-impact materials, including recycled materials. This is a great step towards reducing the environmental impact of their products. However, there is no evidence that the brand minimizes textile waste in its supply chain, which is an area they could work on to improve their sustainability efforts.

Another area where Peninsula Swimwear shows potential for improvement is in water conservation. Currently, there is no evidence that the brand is taking meaningful action to reduce water use in its manufacturing processes. This is an important aspect of sustainability, as water is a valuable and limited resource.

One positive strategy employed by Peninsula Swimwear is that they manufacture their products closer to home. By doing so, they aim to reduce the climate impact of long-distance shipping. This is a commendable effort in reducing carbon emissions and minimizing the brand’s overall environmental footprint.

Turning our attention to workers’ rights, Peninsula Swimwear has received a rating of “Not Good Enough” in our “People” rating. This rating assesses brands’ policies and practices regarding various labor rights issues, such as child labor, living wages, and gender equality.

One concerning aspect is that the final production stage for Peninsula Swimwear products happens in Italy and Spain, which are considered medium risk countries for labor abuse. It is crucial for brands to ensure that their supply chains are free from exploitation and worker mistreatment. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that Peninsula Swimwear has a Code of Conduct in place or that they actively audit their suppliers to ensure ethical practices.

Furthermore, there is no evidence that Peninsula Swimwear ensures workers are paid living wages within their supply chain. This is an essential aspect of fair labor practices and ensuring the well-being of workers. For Peninsula Swimwear to improve its “People” rating, they need to take meaningful actions towards addressing these issues within their supply chain.

As for the brand’s animal welfare policies, Peninsula Swimwear has been rated as “It’s a Start” in our “Animals” rating. This rating evaluates brands based on their animal welfare policies and their ability to trace animal-derived products within their supply chain.

Currently, there is no evidence that Peninsula Swimwear has an animal welfare policy in place. This is an area where the brand could improve by actively addressing the ethical treatment of animals. It is worth noting that Peninsula Swimwear appears to use leather in their products, which may raise concerns for individuals who prioritize cruelty-free fashion.

On a positive note, there is no evidence that Peninsula Swimwear uses other animal-derived materials such as wool, down, fur, angora, exotic animal skin, or exotic animal hair. This indicates that they are making efforts to avoid materials that may be associated with animal cruelty or environmental harm.

Overall, based on all publicly available information we’ve reviewed, Peninsula Swimwear has received an overall rating of “It’s a Start.” While they have taken some positive steps towards sustainability, there are areas where they can improve, especially in terms of waste management, water conservation, workers’ rights, and animal welfare policies. By addressing these areas, Peninsula Swimwear can further enhance their commitment to sustainability and become a leader in the fashion industry.

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