Pure Pod

Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Australia

Official brand website: Visit

Pure Pod is a sustainable fashion brand that is dedicated to creating environmentally friendly and ethical clothing. With an environment rating of ‘great’, Pure Pod is committed to using a medium proportion of eco-friendly materials in its products. This includes the use of Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) cotton, which ensures that the cotton used is grown without the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers.

In addition to their use of eco-friendly materials, Pure Pod also strives to reduce its impact on the climate. By using low impact non-toxic dyes in most of their products, the brand ensures that harmful chemicals are not released into the environment during the dyeing process. This not only protects the planet, but also the health of the workers involved in the production process.

One of the ways in which Pure Pod minimizes textile waste is by implementing a limited production run. This means that they only produce a certain quantity of each product, which helps to prevent overproduction and excess waste. By taking this approach, Pure Pod shows its commitment to sustainability and reduces its contribution to the growing problem of textile waste.

When it comes to labor practices, Pure Pod has room for improvement but is taking steps in the right direction. With a labor rating of ‘it’s a start’, the brand ensures that most of its supply chain is traced. This helps to ensure transparency and accountability throughout the production process. Additionally, Pure Pod ensures the payment of a living wage in some parts of its supply chain, further demonstrating its commitment to fair labor practices.

While Pure Pod does visit its suppliers, it does not specify how often these visits occur. Although more information on their supplier visits would be beneficial, the fact that they take the time to visit their suppliers shows a level of engagement and commitment to ethical sourcing.

When it comes to the treatment of animals, Pure Pod is rated ‘good’. The brand does not use fur, wool, down, exotic animal skin, exotic animal hair or angora in its products. However, it does use leather. While this may be a disappointment to those looking for a completely animal-free brand, Pure Pod’s decision to exclude other animal-derived materials from its products is commendable.

Overall, Pure Pod has earned a ‘Good’ rating for its commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and animal welfare. With a focus on using eco-friendly materials, reducing textile waste, and ensuring fair labor practices, the brand is making strides towards a more sustainable fashion industry. While there is always room for improvement, Pure Pod sets a positive example for other brands to follow.

Last Updated: July 2022

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