Safal Kids

Our Rating: 3 Stars - It's a start

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Estonia

Official brand website: Visit

Safal Kids, a brand that focuses on sustainability and environmental responsibility, has been evaluated and rated by our team. In terms of the brand’s environmental policies and practices in its supply chain, it has received a rating of “Not Good Enough” in our “Planet” rating. This rating takes into account several factors that influence its score.

One positive aspect is that Safal Kids uses some lower-impact materials, such as organic cotton, which is a more sustainable choice compared to conventional cotton. However, there is no evidence to suggest that the brand takes any action to minimize textile waste in its supply chain. Textile waste is a significant issue in the fashion industry, and brands that actively work towards reducing waste are more environmentally responsible.

Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that Safal Kids takes meaningful action to reduce water use in its operations. Water scarcity is a pressing global issue, and brands that prioritize water conservation contribute to a more sustainable future. Similarly, the brand does not appear to take any action to minimize its packaging, which is a driver of plastic waste. Sustainable packaging alternatives and packaging reduction initiatives are essential in tackling the plastic waste problem.

Moving on to the brand’s approach to workers’ rights, Safal Kids has received a rating of “Not Good Enough” in our “People” rating. This rating assesses brands’ policies and practices related to workers’ rights, including issues such as child labor, living wages, and gender equality.

One concerning aspect is that the final production stage of Safal Kids’ products takes place in Estonia, which is considered a medium-risk country for labor abuse. Brands should prioritize ensuring that their production facilities, both within their home country and abroad, adhere to ethical labor practices. Additionally, there is no evidence to suggest that the brand has a Code of Conduct in place or conducts audits of its suppliers to ensure compliance with labor standards.

Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that Safal Kids takes steps to ensure that workers in its supply chain are paid living wages. Fair wages are crucial in addressing social inequality and improving workers’ livelihoods.

Lastly, our “Animals” rating focuses on brands’ animal welfare policies and their ability to trace animal-derived products. In this category, Safal Kids has received a rating of “Good”. While the brand doesn’t appear to use animal-derived materials, it does not claim to be a vegan brand. Transparency regarding the use of animal products and ensuring animal welfare are important considerations for brands.

Based on all the publicly available information we have reviewed, we rate Safal Kids as “It’s a Start” overall. While the brand has some positive practices, such as the use of lower-impact materials and a good rating in animal welfare, there are areas where improvement is needed. The brand should take meaningful action to reduce textile waste, water use, and packaging waste. It should also prioritize workers’ rights by implementing a Code of Conduct, conducting supplier audits, and ensuring that living wages are paid to workers in its supply chain.

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