simply grey

Our Rating: 3 Stars - It's a start

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Slovakia

Official brand website: Visit

Simply Grey is a brand that is dedicated to sustainability and making positive changes within the fashion industry. With an overall rating of ‘It’s a start’ in terms of its environmental, labor, and animal practices, this brand is taking steps towards a more sustainable future.

Environmental Practices

Simply Grey is committed to reducing its environmental impact. One way it does this is by using materials that decrease water usage during the initial stages of production. By implementing these materials, the brand is making strides in conserving water resources, which is a significant concern in the fashion industry.

Furthermore, Simply Grey takes an eco-friendly approach to waste reduction. Its products are made-to-order, meaning that they are created once a customer places an order. This approach minimizes textile waste, as there is no excess inventory that goes out of style and ends up in landfills.

However, one area where Simply Grey could improve is in packaging. Currently, there is no evidence to suggest that the brand actively minimizes its packaging or sources sustainable materials for packaging.

Labor Practices

Simply Grey takes its labor practices seriously and strives to create a positive working environment. Its products are manufactured in-house by a small team, ensuring that workers are closely involved in the production process. This hands-on approach allows for better control over working conditions and quality control.

Additionally, the brand traces some of its supply chain, indicating a level of transparency and accountability. However, there is no evidence to suggest that Simply Grey ensures payment of a living wage to its workers. While the brand has taken steps towards fair labor practices, there is room for improvement in this aspect.

Animal Practices

When it comes to animal practices, Simply Grey has a rating of ‘It’s a start’. While the brand does not use wool, exotic animal hair, fur, down, angora, or exotic animal skin, there is no evidence to suggest that it has an animal welfare policy in place.

It is worth noting that Simply Grey uses leather in its products. Leather production has been scrutinized for its environmental impact and ethical concerns. While the brand has taken steps to avoid certain animal materials, it could further improve by exploring alternative materials to replace leather.

Overall Rating

Given its practices in the areas of environment, labor, and animals, Simply Grey is rated ‘It’s a start’ overall. While the brand has made notable efforts towards sustainability, there are areas for improvement and further action. By continuing to prioritize sustainability and making necessary changes, Simply Grey can work towards a more positive rating and become a leader in sustainable fashion.

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