Will’s Vegan Store

Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: United Kingdom

Official brand website: Visit

Our “Planet” rating evaluates brands based on the environmental policies in their supply chains, from carbon emissions and wastewater to business models and product circularity. In this evaluation, Will’s Vegan Store has received a rating of “It’s a Start”. While the brand does use some lower-impact materials, including recycled materials, there is no evidence to suggest that it minimizes the use of solvent-based chemicals, which can be harmful to both workers and the environment during production. Additionally, there is no indication that the brand is taking meaningful action to reduce water use. However, to reduce its climate impacts, Will’s Vegan Store does utilize renewable energy in its supply chain.

When it comes to workers’ rights, which are central to our “People” rating, Will’s Vegan Store is rated as “Not Good Enough”. The brand’s final production stage occurs in the European Union, which is considered a low/medium risk region for labor abuse. While it does partially trace its supply chain, including the final and some of the second production stages, there is no evidence to suggest that the brand ensures workers are paid living wages in its supply chain. Additionally, there is no evidence that Will’s Vegan Store audits its suppliers to ensure compliance with labor standards.

Brands’ animal welfare policies and how well they trace their animal-derived products are the focus of our “Animals” rating. In this evaluation, Will’s Vegan Store has received a rating of “Great”. PETA has listed the brand as vegan, indicating that it does not use any animal-derived materials in its products.

Based on all publicly available information that we have reviewed, we rate Will’s Vegan Store as “Good” overall. While the brand has areas for improvement in terms of environmental impact and workers’ rights, it does demonstrate a commitment to utilizing renewable energy and has been recognized for its vegan and animal-friendly products.

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