
  1. Energy and Environment
The fossil fuel industry's harmful effects on the environment no longer hide in the shadows. Despite calls from climate advocates to reduce carbon emissions and transition to renewables, the oil industry continues its efforts to delay action on combating climate change. However, technological advancements — specifically energy storage — could signal the end of fossil fuels’ reign over the energy industry. Learn about energy storage's role in the green revolution, and what types of facilities are emerging to support the transition to renewables. Dig deeper → 3 min
  1. Politics and Policy
Busy? Try the speed read.

The scoop: 600 gallons of oil spilled into the San Francisco Bay yesterday from a Chevron refinery.

Some notes on the disaster:

  • Solutions exist, restoration efforts are more innovative, why does this keep happening?
  • Media tends to direct focus on corporations and federal government, but what role do local politics play in preventing environmental disasters?

Food for thought:

Looking back at the Chevron oil spill of 2021, we should be asking ourselves:

  1. Why did the oil spill happen?
  2. What actors played a role in this disaster?
  3. What steps can these actors take to prevent it from ever happening again?

Bottom line: If the answer is primarily political, sadly, it may not happen fast enough to stop the next disaster.

Dig deeper → 3 min

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