Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Finland

Official brand website: Visit

Sustainability Assessment of ASK SCANDINAVIA

Our “Planet” rating evaluates brands based on the environmental policies in their supply chains, from carbon emissions and wastewater to business models and product circularity. Here we rate ASK SCANDINAVIA “Great”. These are a few factors influencing its score:

  • It uses a medium proportion of lower-impact materials including recycled materials.
  • It uses low impact materials that help limit the chemicals, water, and wastewater in its supply chain.
  • It uses low-waste cutting techniques to maximize fabric use.
  • To reduce its climate impacts, it uses renewable energy in its supply chain.
  • It uses some recycled packaging.

Workers’ rights are central to our “People” rating, which assess brands’ policies and practices on everything from child labor to living wages and gender equality. Here we rate ASK SCANDINAVIA “Not Good Enough”. These are a few factors influencing its score:

  • Its final production stage happens in the European Union, a low/medium risk region for labor abuse.
  • There’s no evidence it has a Code of Conduct.
  • There’s no evidence it audits its suppliers.
  • There’s no evidence it ensures workers are paid living wages in its supply chain.

Brands’ animal welfare policies and, where applicable, how well they trace their animal-derived products are the focus of our “Animals” rating. Here we rate ASK SCANDINAVIA “Good”. It doesn’t appear to use animal-derived materials but doesn’t claim to be a vegan brand. Based on all publicly available information we’ve reviewed, we rate ASK SCANDINAVIA “Good” overall.


In conclusion, ASK SCANDINAVIA has made significant strides in its environmental impact by incorporating sustainable materials and practices in its supply chain. However, there are areas where the brand can improve, particularly in ensuring workers’ rights and implementing animal welfare policies. Overall, ASK SCANDINAVIA is on the right track towards becoming a more sustainable and ethical brand.

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