Ayten Gasson

Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: United Kingdom

Official brand website: Visit

Ayten Gasson: An Environmentally and Ethically Conscious Brand

Ayten Gasson is a brand that has placed a strong emphasis on sustainability and ethical practices in its supply chain. As a result, it has received a “Great” rating in our “Planet” category, which evaluates brands based on their environmental policies and practices.

One of the factors that contribute to Ayten Gasson’s high rating is its use of lower-impact materials, including recycled materials. By incorporating these materials into their products, the brand reduces its carbon emissions and limits its water and wastewater usage in the supply chain.

The brand also takes steps to minimize waste by limiting its production runs. This practice not only helps reduce the amount of waste generated but also allows Ayten Gasson to maintain better control over its inventory and production processes.

Furthermore, Ayten Gasson manufactures its products closer to home, which helps reduce the climate impact associated with long-distance shipping. By sourcing and producing locally, the brand lowers its carbon footprint and supports the local economy.

In addition to its commitment to the environment, Ayten Gasson also demonstrates a strong focus on workers’ rights. In our “People” category, which assesses brands’ policies and practices regarding labor conditions, Ayten Gasson has received a “Good” rating.

The brand ensures that its products are made in-house by a small team, which allows for better oversight and control over working conditions. While there is no evidence of a specific Code of Conduct, Ayten Gasson traces most of its supply chain, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Moreover, Ayten Gasson ensures that workers in the final production stage are paid a living wage. While there may be areas for improvement in its entire supply chain, the brand recognizes the importance of fair compensation and takes steps to uphold workers’ rights.

As for our “Animals” rating, Ayten Gasson receives no rating as their products are generally free of animal-derived materials. The brand’s focus is on creating sustainable and ethically produced products, which aligns with our overall assessment.

Based on all publicly available information, Ayten Gasson receives an overall rating of “Good.” The brand’s commitment to sustainability, from its use of lower-impact materials to its support for workers’ rights, makes it a standout in the industry.

In a world where environmental and social responsibility are becoming increasingly important, Ayten Gasson sets an example for other brands to follow. By prioritizing sustainability and ethical practices, the brand not only appeals to conscious consumers but also contributes to creating a more sustainable and equitable fashion industry.

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