Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Australia

Official brand website: Visit

When it comes to sustainability, BAYTHE is a brand that is making a positive impact on the world. With an environment rating of ‘good’, BAYTHE is dedicated to using eco-friendly materials, including recycled materials. This commitment to sustainability is reflected in their manufacturing process, as they produce their products locally to reduce their carbon footprint.

One of the key ways BAYTHE promotes sustainability is by implementing a limited production run. This means that they only produce a certain number of products, ensuring that there is minimal textile waste. By adopting this approach, BAYTHE is not only reducing waste but also creating a sense of exclusivity around their products.

While BAYTHE is doing well in terms of environmental sustainability, their labour rating is ‘not good enough’. The final stage of production for their products is undertaken in Australia, a low-risk country for labour abuse. However, there is no evidence to suggest that BAYTHE has a Code of Conduct in place, or that it ensures payment of a living wage in its supply chain.

It is also worth noting that there is no evidence to suggest that BAYTHE audits any of its supply chain. This lack of oversight raises questions about the brand’s commitment to fair labour practices and raises concerns about potential human rights abuses within their supply chain.

Despite these shortcomings in their labour rating, BAYTHE is still rated ‘Good’ overall due to their strong commitment to environmental sustainability. By using eco-friendly materials and manufacturing locally, BAYTHE is making a positive impact on the planet.

In conclusion, BAYTHE is a brand that is leading the way in terms of environmental sustainability. Their focus on using eco-friendly materials and local manufacturing sets them apart from other brands in the industry. However, their labour rating raises concerns about their commitment to fair labour practices. It is important for brands like BAYTHE to take steps to ensure transparency and accountability throughout their supply chain to ensure a truly sustainable and ethical business model.

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