Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Germany

Official brand website: Visit

LANIUS is a brand that has a strong focus on sustainability. It has received a great environment rating, which is a testament to its commitment to reducing its environmental impact. The brand uses a medium proportion of eco-friendly materials, including the use of Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) cotton. This certification ensures that the cotton used in LANIUS’ products is grown without the use of harmful chemicals and that it meets strict environmental and social criteria.

In addition to using eco-friendly materials, LANIUS also takes steps to reduce its climate impact by using renewable energy in its supply chain. By relying on renewable sources of energy, LANIUS minimizes its reliance on fossil fuels and contributes to a more sustainable future. This commitment to renewable energy sets an example for other brands in the industry to follow.

LANIUS also strives to minimize textile waste by reusing some of its offcuts. As a result, the brand is able to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill and contribute to a circular economy. This is an important step towards creating a more sustainable fashion industry where resources are used more efficiently.

Another area where LANIUS excels is in the use of low impact non-toxic dyes. By opting for these dyes in most of its products, LANIUS ensures that the chemicals used in the dying process are not harmful to the environment or to the workers involved in the production process. This is an important consideration as traditional dyes can have a significant impact on water quality and can be hazardous to the health of those handling them.

LANIUS also deserves credit for its efforts to limit the amount of chemicals, water, and wastewater used in production. By relying on eco-friendly materials, LANIUS is able to minimize the use of harmful chemicals. Additionally, the brand’s commitment to using renewable energy helps reduce its overall carbon footprint, including the amount of water and wastewater generated as a byproduct of production.

While LANIUS shows promise in terms of its environmental practices, its labor rating is just a start. While there is no evidence that the brand has a formal Code of Conduct, it does have a statement covering workers’ rights. This is a step in the right direction, but more can be done to ensure fair and safe working conditions throughout the supply chain.

LANIUS does trace most of its supply chain, including all of the final stage of production. This transparency is commendable and shows a commitment to accountability and responsible sourcing. However, it is unclear whether the brand ensures payment of a living wage in its supply chain. This is an important aspect of fair labor practices and should be a priority for LANIUS moving forward.

In terms of animal welfare, LANIUS falls short. The brand does not have an animal welfare policy, which is concerning. While it does not use fur, down, exotic animal skin, or angora, it does use leather and exotic animal hair. It states that it sources wool from non-mulesed sheep, but there is no evidence on how this is enforced. Animal welfare should be a key consideration for any brand that values sustainability, and LANIUS should take steps to address this issue.

Overall, LANIUS is rated as ‘Good’ in terms of its sustainability practices. The brand’s commitment to using eco-friendly materials and renewable energy is commendable, as is its effort to minimize textile waste. However, there is room for improvement in terms of labor conditions and animal welfare. By addressing these areas, LANIUS can further enhance its sustainability rating and become a leader in the fashion industry.

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