Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Germany

Official brand website: Visit

MANDALA, a sustainability-driven brand, is making positive steps towards a better future for our planet. With a strong focus on environmental policies in their supply chains, the brand has been rated as “Great” in terms of their impact on the planet.

Environmental Policies

One of the key factors contributing to MANDALA’s high rating is their use of lower-impact materials, specifically organic cotton. By using organic cotton, MANDALA reduces the chemicals, water, and wastewater in its supply chain, ultimately minimizing its environmental footprint.

To further minimize waste, MANDALA also limits its production runs. This approach ensures that the brand is not overproducing, which would lead to excess waste and unnecessary environmental strain.

Additionally, MANDALA goes the extra mile by avoiding plastic packaging. By opting for more sustainable packaging alternatives, the brand reduces its contribution to plastic pollution, a major threat to our environment.

Workers’ Rights

As part of our “People” rating, MANDALA is rated as “It’s a Start” in terms of their workers’ rights policies and practices. While the brand has made some positive efforts in this regard, there are areas where improvement is needed.

Many of MANDALA’s supply chain partners are certified by the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and undergo Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) Best Practice Guidance. These certifications ensure that the workers involved in the production process are treated fairly and ethically.

Furthermore, MANDALA partly traces its supply chain, including the final production stage. This transparency allows for greater accountability and ensures that workers’ conditions are monitored, albeit not yet to the fullest extent.

However, it is important to note that there is currently no evidence of MANDALA having a Code of Conduct in place. A comprehensive Code of Conduct would establish clear guidelines and standards for all parties involved in the supply chain, further safeguarding workers’ rights.

Additionally, there is no evidence to suggest that MANDALA ensures workers are paid living wages throughout its supply chain. This is an important area for improvement to ensure fair compensation for the people who contribute to the brand’s success.

Overall Impact

In terms of animal welfare policies, MANDALA’s products are generally free from animal-derived materials. As a result, we have not rated the brand’s impact on animals. However, it is commendable that MANDALA is conscious of the materials they use and their potential implications on animal welfare.

Considering both the environmental and labor factors, MANDALA has an overall rating of “Good.” This rating reflects the positive strides the brand has taken towards sustainability. However, there is room for improvement, particularly in ensuring workers’ rights and fair wages throughout the supply chain.

Overall, MANDALA’s commitment to using lower-impact materials, minimizing waste, and avoiding plastic packaging showcases their dedication to creating a more sustainable future. By continuously improving their labor practices and ensuring fair compensation, MANDALA can further enhance their positive impact on both people and the planet.

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