Megan Leone Designs

Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: United States

Official brand website: Visit

Megan Leone Designs is a brand that focuses on sustainability and environmental responsibility. The brand has been rated as “Good” in our “Planet” rating, which evaluates brands based on their environmental policies in their supply chains. One of the factors influencing this rating is the brand’s use of a high proportion of lower-impact materials, including upcycled materials. This helps to limit the use of chemicals, water, and wastewater in its supply chain.

In addition, Megan Leone Designs manufactures its products closer to home, which helps to reduce the climate impact of long-distance shipping. However, there is no evidence that the brand takes action to minimize its packaging, which is a driver of plastic waste. Packaging waste is a significant concern in today’s world, and brands need to take steps to reduce their environmental impact in this area.

On the “People” rating, which assesses brands’ policies and practices regarding workers’ rights, Megan Leone Designs has received a rating of “Good”. One of the factors influencing this rating is that the brand manufactures its products in-house, by the owner. This ensures that the brand has direct control over the working conditions and treatment of its workers.

Megan Leone Designs also traces most of its supply chain, which is an important step in ensuring transparency and accountability. However, there is no evidence that the brand ensures workers are paid living wages in its supply chain. This is an area where brands need to focus on to improve their social responsibility.

In our “Animals” rating, Megan Leone Designs has also received a rating of “Good”. This rating focuses on brands’ animal welfare policies and the traceability of their animal-derived products. While there is no evidence that the brand has an animal welfare policy, it is important to note that it uses recycled leather in all of its leather products. This shows a commitment to reducing waste and utilizing sustainable materials.

Additionally, Megan Leone Designs does not appear to use down, fur, angora, exotic animal skin, or exotic animal hair in its products. This is a positive aspect, as these materials are often associated with unethical practices and cruelty towards animals.

Based on all the publicly available information we have reviewed, Megan Leone Designs receives an overall rating of “Good”. The brand’s commitment to using lower-impact materials, manufacturing closer to home, and utilizing recycled materials is commendable. However, there are areas where the brand can improve, such as minimizing packaging waste and ensuring workers are paid living wages. Overall, Megan Leone Designs is making strides towards sustainability and environmental responsibility.

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