
Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: United Kingdom

Official brand website: Visit

Modallica is a brand that focuses on sustainability and environmental responsibility. The brand has been evaluated and rated based on its environmental policies, workers’ rights, and animal welfare practices. Modallica has received a rating of “It’s a Start” in the category of “Planet,” which evaluates the brand’s efforts to reduce its carbon emissions and minimize waste in its supply chain.

One of the key factors influencing Modallica’s rating in the “Planet” category is its use of lower-impact materials, including organic cotton. By using organic cotton, Modallica reduces the environmental impact of its production processes. Additionally, the brand has made efforts to avoid plastic packaging, further demonstrating its commitment to sustainability.

However, one area where Modallica falls short is in minimizing textile waste in its supply chain. There is no evidence to suggest that the brand has implemented measures to reduce waste throughout its production process. This is an area where Modallica can improve in order to further enhance its sustainability practices.

In terms of workers’ rights, Modallica has received a rating of “It’s a Start” in the category of “People.” The brand has made efforts to ensure that much of its supply chain is certified by the Fair Wear Foundation. This certification confirms that workers in Modallica’s supply chain are treated fairly and have safe working conditions.

Moreover, Modallica’s use of Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certified organic cotton in most of its production stages highlights its commitment to workers’ rights. GOTS certification ensures that the cotton used in Modallica’s products is sourced ethically and produced without the use of harmful chemicals.

While Modallica traces part of its supply chain, there is no evidence to suggest that the brand has a formal Code of Conduct in place. Additionally, there is no evidence to indicate that Modallica ensures workers are paid living wages throughout its supply chain.

Modallica has also been evaluated in the category of “Animals,” which focuses on the brand’s animal welfare policies and the traceability of animal-derived products. Modallica has received a rating of “Good” in this category. The brand has published a general statement about minimizing animal suffering, demonstrating its commitment to animal welfare.

However, Modallica does not appear to use materials such as leather, wool, down, fur, angora, exotic animal skin, or exotic animal hair. By avoiding the use of these materials, Modallica further supports animal welfare practices and promotes cruelty-free fashion.

Based on all the publicly available information that has been reviewed, Modallica has received an overall rating of “Good.” The brand has demonstrated a commitment to sustainability through its choice of materials, avoidance of plastic packaging, and efforts to ensure fair treatment of workers in its supply chain. Modallica has also shown a commitment to animal welfare by publishing a statement about minimizing animal suffering and avoiding the use of certain animal-derived materials.

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