
Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Denmark

Official brand website: Visit

Superstainable, the brand that is making waves in the world of sustainability, is earning a well-deserved reputation for its commitment to the environment. With an overall rating of ‘good’, it is clear that Superstainable is moving in the right direction when it comes to creating eco-friendly products.

One of the key factors that sets Superstainable apart is its use of eco-friendly materials. The brand utilizes a high proportion of Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) cotton, which is known for its sustainable practices. By incorporating this material into their products, Superstainable is minimizing environmental harm and promoting sustainable farming practices.

In addition to its use of eco-friendly materials, Superstainable is also conscious of minimizing waste during the manufacturing process. However, there is currently no evidence to suggest that the brand is actively working to minimize textile waste. While this is an area that Superstainable could potentially improve upon, their use of eco-friendly materials already limits the amount of chemicals, water, and wastewater used in production.

When it comes to labor practices, Superstainable earns a ‘good’ rating. The brand sources its final stage of production from countries with extreme risk of labor abuse. This indicates a level of transparency and accountability in their supply chain. While Superstainable traces most of its supply chain, there is no evidence to suggest that they ensure payment of a living wage in all stages of production. This is an area that the brand could potentially address to further improve their labor rating.

Superstainable takes the well-being of animals seriously, earning a ‘good’ rating in their animal practices. The brand does not use fur, leather, down, exotic animal skin, exotic animal hair, or angora in their products. In addition, Superstainable states that they source wool from non-mulesed sheep, showing a commitment to promoting ethical treatment of animals.

Overall, Superstainable has earned a ‘good’ rating for its sustainability practices. While there are areas where the brand could make further improvements, such as minimizing textile waste and ensuring payment of a living wage in its supply chain, Superstainable is already taking significant steps towards creating a more sustainable future.

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