
  1. Energy and Environment

Europe faces an energy crisis, with short-term gas prices five times higher in the first quarter of 2022 than their 2021 average. The trouble, brought on by a myriad of factors, but most recently exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, underlines the risks of relying too heavily on fossil fuels. Nuclear energy can provide some much-needed help in Europe.

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  1. Politics and Policy

How environmental policy works

  • Congress enacts laws that enable federal agencies to create environmental regulations
  • Under the President’s guidance, the EPA Administrator sets national standards
  • State and local governments create and implement the actual policies
  • State-level policies can support investment in green energy.
  • Local officials set water policy to provide residents access to clean water.

Why your vote matters

  • By electing city council members, state congresspeople and representatives who champion environmental policies, voters can make their environmental concerns heard.

The bottom line

  • If voters prioritize climate change, politicians will too.
  • Though you may feel your vote doesn’t matter in elections, it does.

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  1. Lifestyle

If you’re a socially conscious adult, you may have experienced trouble navigating the jungle of brands and product offerings that is the eco-friendly space. 

Big picture: Shopping dominates modern culture, yet it also advances many issues like messy supply chains or the abundance of plastic waste in the ocean.

Between the lines: Buying green or purchasing eco-friendly products creates a ‘warm glow’ in consumers. It generates satisfaction, like the feeling from helping others. 

Purse vs. Purpose

  • Buying less is better for the pocket book, but buying green isn’t often more expensive. 
  • Price often largest barrier for consumers
  • Eco friendly items are often more expensive to less sustainable alternatives 

For the people: Buy green or Buy less? Short answer — do both 

  • Limiting your consumption within reason
    • On one ✋: you don’t need to stop buying things you need on a regular basis, but you might not need that fourth pair of sunglasses
    • On the other ✋: you might deserve that new pair of sunglasses after your latest accomplishment, we get it. We encourage you to find a company that has limited environmental impact - Read how here.

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