shopping tips

  1. Lifestyle
Most people think of eco-friendly fashion and picture hemp clothes or Birkenstocks. But sustainable style has come a long way in recent years, and there is a range of options for people who want to reduce their environmental impact. One type of sustainable fashion is known as “zero waste fashion.” You might've heard the term thrown around as environmentally friendly practices become more mainstream, but what exactly is zero waste, and why is it important? Keep reading to learn more about this movement, its environmental impact, and examples of zero-waste companies. Dig deeper → 4 min
  1. Lifestyle

Busy? Try the speed read.

Here's how to transform yourself into a minimalist:

  1. Track your purchases and categorize them. I break my purchases into "needs" (basic modern survival stuff), "boosts" (productive buys), and "luxuries" (extra things that make life more enjoyable).
  2. Think before you buy, think after. Why am I about to make this purchase? Now imagine making the purchase, how would you feel after one week, one month, one year?
  3. Take responsibility for a product's end-of-life. The trash can or recycling bin should be the last option. Can you share it, borrow it, sell it, repurpose it, thrift it, make it?

Bottom line: 'Less is more' stands the test of time; when you practice minimalism in an intentional way, everyone benefits. If you do shop, always keep ethics and savings in mind.

Dig deeper → 4 min

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