
Our Rating: 3 Stars - It's a start

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: France

Official brand website: Visit

Art’Abaska, a brand that focuses on sustainability, has an overall rating of ‘It’s a start’. The brand is committed to incorporating eco-friendly materials, including recycled materials, into its products. By using these materials, Art’Abaska reduces the amount of chemicals, water, and wastewater used in production.

One of the commendable practices of Art’Abaska is its decision to manufacture its products locally. By doing so, the brand aims to minimize its climate impact by reducing the transportation distance and associated carbon emissions. This step reflects the brand’s dedication to sustainable practices through its production methods.

However, there is no evidence to suggest that Art’Abaska takes necessary measures to minimize its packaging. Packaging is an important aspect of sustainability, and brands should strive to reduce waste and opt for eco-friendly alternatives. Although Art’Abaska’s commitment to using eco-friendly materials is a step in the right direction, it needs to focus on sustainable packaging as well.

The brand’s labor rating is also ‘It’s a start’. Art’Abaska follows a self-sufficient approach by manufacturing its products in-house. This hands-on approach allows the owner to have control over the production process and maintain quality standards. Additionally, Art’Abaska traces some parts of its supply chain, which shows a level of awareness and transparency.

However, there is room for improvement when it comes to ensuring fair wages for workers throughout the supply chain. There is no evidence to suggest that Art’Abaska guarantees the payment of a living wage to its workers. Ensuring fair wages is an essential aspect of ethical and sustainable practices. By doing so, brands can contribute positively to the livelihoods of their workers and support a more equitable work environment.

Unfortunately, Art’Abaska’s animal rating is ‘not good enough’. The brand lacks an animal welfare policy, which is a crucial factor in ethical and sustainable fashion. It is disappointing to know that Art’Abaska still uses fur in some of its products. However, it is worth noting that the brand does not use wool, down, angora, or exotic animal skin, which shows some consideration towards animal welfare.

In conclusion, Art’Abaska has taken steps towards sustainability, but there is still ample room for improvement. The brand’s commitment to incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing locally showcases its dedication to reducing its environmental impact. However, Art’Abaska needs to prioritize sustainable packaging and ensure fair wages for all workers in its supply chain. Additionally, implementing an animal welfare policy and eliminating the use of fur would further enhance the brand’s commitment to sustainability. By addressing these areas, Art’Abaska can make significant progress towards becoming a more sustainable and responsible brand.

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