
Our Rating: 4 Stars - Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Country of origin: Lebanon

Official brand website: Visit

Vanina is a brand that has caught the attention of sustainability advocates around the world. With its commitment to using lower-impact materials and manufacturing its products by hand, the brand has made significant strides in reducing its climate impact. While there is still room for improvement in some areas, Vanina’s efforts have earned it a “It’s a Start” rating in our “Planet” category.

One of the key factors influencing Vanina’s score in the “Planet” category is its use of recycled materials. By incorporating these materials into its products, the brand is able to reduce its reliance on virgin resources and minimize its carbon footprint. Additionally, Vanina’s decision to manufacture its products by hand further reduces its climate impact, as it avoids the energy-intensive processes associated with large-scale production.

However, it’s important to note that there is no evidence to suggest that Vanina is taking meaningful action to reduce water use. Water is a precious resource, and the fashion industry is known for its significant water consumption. As such, it is essential for brands to prioritize water conservation and implement strategies to minimize their water usage. Vanina must focus on this aspect to further enhance its environmental performance.

When it comes to waste reduction, Vanina is making strides in minimizing the industry’s waste. The brand reuses textile offcuts from other companies, effectively repurposing materials that would otherwise go to waste. This commitment to circularity helps minimize the environmental impact of the fashion industry and sets a positive example for other brands to follow.

In the “People” category, which assesses brands’ policies and practices related to workers’ rights, Vanina has earned a “Good” rating. The brand partly traces most of its supply chain, including all of the final production stage. This level of transparency is commendable, as it helps ensure accountability throughout the entire production process.

Vanina also provides jobs for artisans in Lebanon, contributing to local economies and empowering skilled artisans. However, it is unclear whether the brand ensures that workers are paid living wages in its supply chain. Guaranteeing fair wages is essential for promoting social sustainability and supporting workers’ well-being.

When it comes to our “Animals” rating, Vanina also receives a “Good” score. While there is no evidence that the brand has an animal welfare policy in place, it appears to use exotic animal hair and silk in its products. However, Vanina does not appear to use animal-derived materials such as leather, wool, down, fur, angora, or exotic animal skin. This indicates a commitment to avoiding animal cruelty and supporting the use of alternative materials.

Based on all publicly available information that we have reviewed, Vanina receives a “Good” overall rating. While there are areas where the brand can improve, its commitment to using lower-impact materials, supporting workers’ rights, and avoiding the use of animal-derived materials sets it apart as a brand that values sustainability. With continued efforts and a focus on areas of improvement, Vanina can further enhance its environmental and social performance.

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