An old saying is still true regarding taking care of the environment: “You can’t control things if you don’t keep track of them.” This saying shows how important it is to watch what we do closely. This helps us tell apart successful efforts that make a difference from actions that use up resources and might not be so helpful.

Introducing the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability program, designed to assist organizations in their sustainability journey, focusing on measurement. Established a year ago, this initiative has brought together expert partners to measure crucial factors like air quality, greenhouse gases, energy use, and resource consumption. These partnerships offer organizations accurate insights into their environmental impact.

The Foundation of Progress: Understanding Where You Stand

Achieving ambitious goals necessitates a clear starting point. ESG regulations—rules governing environmental, social, and governance practices—are progressively gaining traction.

In 2021 alone, there were 225 new or refined policies introduced. By 2025, an astounding one-third of global managed assets, totaling $53 trillion, are anticipated to fall under ESG mandates. This growing emphasis on tangible outcomes underscores the need for verifiable results before governments, industry watchdogs, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and consumers.

Charting the Unseen Progress: The Challenge of Measuring ESG

Measuring progress can be challenging, especially when making effective ESG programs. A recent survey by Harris, done for Google Cloud, showed that only 22% of organizations are actively measuring their official ESG programs, which is 3% less than last year.

The lack of measurement tools puts leaders in a tricky situation. A big 87% of those surveyed want better tools to measure how their environmental efforts are going. This desire comes from the need to set goals that can be reached and supported by real information. 

Many leaders admit that sometimes they set goals for being eco-friendly, but they don’t have clear ways to measure, improve, and make these goals real.

Empowering Progress: Introducing Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability

Enter the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability program. This initiative aims to aid organizations at various stages of their sustainability journey, beginning with measurement. Indeed, measurement serves as the bedrock of this program.

Launched a year ago, the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability program has united a cadre of partners who specialize in measuring critical aspects such as air quality, greenhouse gases, energy consumption, and resource utilization. These partnerships enable organizations to gain accurate insights into their environmental footprint.

Partners in Progress: Pioneering a Greener Future

1. Aclima: Breathing Fresh Air into Environmental Insights

Aclima employs sensors to monitor air quality and track pollution’s impact on climate. Their extensive data collection efforts cover the United States and nearly 20 countries, enlightening millions about air quality.

2. BlueSky Resources: Clearing the Skies of Emission Concerns

BlueSky Resources empowers global industries to quantify and address atmospheric emissions by leveraging a sensor-agnostic approach. Their monitoring spans 180 sites worldwide, offering verified measurements and insights into mining, waste management, and energy sectors.

3. Floodbase: Navigating the Deluge of Flood Data

Floodbase predicts and manages flood risks using satellite data and smart algorithms. This solution aids communities in preparing for flood-related challenges, particularly in high-risk areas.

4. Floodlight: Illuminating Environmental Impact

Floodlight aggregates ground sensors, satellites, and AI data to help companies gauge their environmental footprint. This insights-driven approach aids in making informed decisions for a more sustainable future.

5. Keen AI: Pioneering AI-Driven Energy Insights

Keen AI’s advanced artificial intelligence technology collects, analyzes, and shares critical energy infrastructure data. This empowers businesses to assess energy system conditions and predict future states, optimizing sustainability efforts.

6. Planet: Viewing Earth Through a Satellite Lens

Through satellite imagery, Planet enables real-time monitoring of environmental changes. This data empowers researchers and organizations to respond proactively to evolving environmental challenges.

7. Sust Global: Navigating Climate Risk with Insightful Data

Sust Global’s climate risk data products help companies assess risks from climate-related disasters. This aids in developing strategies for risk mitigation and portfolio diversification.

8. UP42: Scaling Solutions with Satellite Data UP42 provides easy access to satellite data, enabling the development of solutions for challenges like reforestation and disaster prevention.

9. Watershed: Empowering Climate-Responsible Choices

Watershed’s enterprise climate platform enables companies to measure, report, and reduce their carbon footprint efficiently.

Measuring for Progress: A Pathway to Responsibility

Effective measurement is akin to plotting a course before embarking on a journey. A clear understanding of one’s starting point is essential for charting a successful trajectory.

Notably, this measurement isn’t only about benefitting the planet; it’s also about cultivating trust with customers, communities, and regulatory bodies. Precise, transparent information fosters informed decisions for stakeholders and business leaders.

Driving Sustainable Change: The Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability Vision

The Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability program is a testament to the power of technology in facilitating positive change. With an expanding network of partners, this initiative equips organizations with the tools needed to measure, report, and enhance their environmental impact.

To explore these partners and their offerings, visit Google Cloud’s platform and marketplace. Uniting forces can pave the way to a healthier, safer world.

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