New Features Promote Eco-Friendly Practices

Google Maps introduces new functionalities to help users make more environmentally friendly choices in their daily lives.

In an effort to help users make more environmentally responsible decisions, Google Maps has introduced various functionalities aimed at promoting sustainable practices

These features help to choose the most efficient routes for trips as well as make better-informed choices about where to dine, shop, and more.

Rate and Update Businesses

If you want to take your sustainability habits one step further, Google Maps can help. Or, rather, you can help Google.

The app is built on the contributions of its users and relies on them to keep up-to-date. Whenever you see incorrect or outdated information, such as a restaurant that no longer exists or wrong opening times, report it so that it doesn’t mislead other people. 

Review Businesses

Now, you can also rate a business on its eco-friendly credentials, such as whether they serve local dishes or offer recycling services. This provides an easy way to reward companies that are doing their part for the environment and help steer people toward more sustainable options. 

Simply head to the “About” section of a business on Google Maps, and choose Edit features (for Android) or Update this place (for iOS).

You may also share your knowledge through reviews with relevant sustainability attributes – like whether a business uses renewable energy or has vegan options – for others to read. 

Thanks to this feature, more environmentally conscious decisions will become easier and more accessible for everyone.

Sometimes, Google may ask you about your opinion of a place you have visited; make sure to find time to answer some simple questions regarding recycling or sustainable offerings.

Take Advantage of Sustainability Attributes

Businesses can also use Google to show its users they care about sustainability

By adding relevant attributes to the listing can show their support for a greener future and stand out among competitors. And it pays off – as stated by Google, 82% of consumers say that sustainability is the top factor when determining their purchase decisions

Choose the Most Eco-Friendly Route

According to Statista, road transportation is responsible for the largest percentage of carbon emissions in Europe. 

To help reduce these numbers, Google Maps has introduced the eco-friendly routes feature. Previously launched in the US and Canada, it is now also available in nearly 40 countries across Europe.

The functionality provides not only the fastest but also the most fuel-efficient routing options (whenever it’s not the same), which can benefit both your wallet and the planet. 

It’s already showing results: as of September 7, 2022, Google claimed that it had helped to reduce more than 500,000 metric tons of carbon emissions.

To see eco-friendly routes, head to the navigation settings and tap on the “prefer fuel-efficient routes” option. The recommended route will vary depending on your engine type, so make sure to update this information.

By providing these tools, Google Maps aims not only to enable people’s daily lives but also to promote sustainability combined with convenience through technological innovations without harming Mother Nature.

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