
  1. Better Brands
  2. Sponsored
In the world of rapid trends and ever-changing wardrobes, fast fashion dominates. But this convenience often comes at an environmental cost. You might not know it, but you could harm the planet even when hunting for the perfect swimsuit. The good news is change is making waves in the fashion industry. A host of brands […]
  1. Lifestyle
Most people think of eco-friendly fashion and picture hemp clothes or Birkenstocks. But sustainable style has come a long way in recent years, and there is a range of options for people who want to reduce their environmental impact. One type of sustainable fashion is known as “zero waste fashion.” You might've heard the term thrown around as environmentally friendly practices become more mainstream, but what exactly is zero waste, and why is it important? Keep reading to learn more about this movement, its environmental impact, and examples of zero-waste companies. Dig deeper → 4 min
  1. Lifestyle

If you’re a socially conscious adult, you may have experienced trouble navigating the jungle of brands and product offerings that is the eco-friendly space. 

Big picture: Shopping dominates modern culture, yet it also advances many issues like messy supply chains or the abundance of plastic waste in the ocean.

Between the lines: Buying green or purchasing eco-friendly products creates a ‘warm glow’ in consumers. It generates satisfaction, like the feeling from helping others. 

Purse vs. Purpose

  • Buying less is better for the pocket book, but buying green isn’t often more expensive. 
  • Price often largest barrier for consumers
  • Eco friendly items are often more expensive to less sustainable alternatives 

For the people: Buy green or Buy less? Short answer — do both 

  • Limiting your consumption within reason
    • On one : you don’t need to stop buying things you need on a regular basis, but you might not need that fourth pair of sunglasses
    • On the other : you might deserve that new pair of sunglasses after your latest accomplishment, we get it. We encourage you to find a company that has limited environmental impact - Read how here.

Dig deeper → 3 min

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