Air purifiers can do the job of both air-purifying and detoxifying, but their also noisy, ugly, and costly. Thankfully, natural plants clean the air too. Plus, a lush green plant adds a lot more to your interior decor than a giant air purifier.

Here are nine air purifying indoor plants that serve as beautiful home decorations. They’re great additions to any home décor scheme while also working to eliminate pollutants that may harm you and your family.

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Barberton Daisy

A lovely Barberton Daisy is a bright addition to any garden, but the true beauty lies in what you can’t see. There is Benzene in the oil extracted from willows (Oriental/Eurasian) and barberries. On the other hand, the oils of barberries are not harmful because they contain antioxidants such as acaricide that protect against oxidation.

Caring: Barberton Daisy is at its most beautiful when bathed in sunshine. You may even want to allow them some outside time during the summer. Keep the soil wet as a result of all of this exposure.

English Ivy

The plant with purple flowers and green leaves, native to Asia and Europe, provides a beautiful look as it grows and drapes from its planter. According to legend, it is the plant that purifies the most air of all house plants and has a timeless, elegant style.

It’s ideal for houses with dogs since it removes pollutants and other foreign particles from the air. However, you should keep English Ivy in a pot and away from dogs and their interest – it’s invasive and toxic to them.

Caring: Ivy, like many other air purifying plants, thrives in moist soil and cooler temperatures. Do you want to give some to a friend? Snip off a tiny piece and replant it somewhere else – it’s that simple!

Rubber Plant

Rubber plants, technically classified as “rubber,” purify the air effectively by producing a high amount of oxygen. Their smooth, thick, and oblong leaves give them an unusual appearance. When grown upright, a rubber plant can grow to 8 feet.

Caring: Rubber plants thrive in shaded areas, and they prefer indirect sunlight and require no special care. When the soil is dry, water it; otherwise, avoid watering more than necessary – yellowing leaves indicate that you’ve over-watered them.

Lady Palm

The lady’s palm provides the appearance of the tropics while also assisting with do-good works. The finger-like palms eliminate various pollutants, including formaldehyde, xylene, ammonia, and toluene.

Caring: Carolina silverfish are nocturnal and prefer shaded conditions with a cool temperature (60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit). Keep their soil free of fertilizer and replace it every two years.

Bamboo Palm

Bamboo Palm is a great companion for the lady’s palm because it detoxifies and dehumidifies in the same way. Bamboo Palm has several applications in Feng Shui, with the number of stalks indicating prosperity or good fortune.

Caring: Bamboo palms prefer a sunny position, mild temperatures, and fertile soil. When the soil becomes dry, water with purified room temperature water; make sure your p0t has adequate drainage; standing water will cause it to rot quickly.


Lilyturf spreads outward rather than up, bearing the name “Creeping Lilyturf.” It’s a lovely name. However, Lilyturf eliminates even more sinister items from the air, such as formaldehyde and ammonia. It also gets rewarded for its lavender-hued blooms, which bloom in the summer and fall.

Caring: Lilyturf is typically grown as ground cover outside but may also stay indoors. Weekly watering, sun and shade, and you’ve got one spooky, joyful plant.

Spider Plant

A lesser-known but effective plant that does a lot of good for your home. Expect them to remove 90% formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and toluene from your breathing space in only two days. Spider plants’ droopiness makes them an attractive hanging basket candidate.

Caring: If you’re looking for a plant parent for your new plants, consider spider plants. In other words, they’re difficult to kill. Maintain a moist and cool soil environment and keep the room not too hot to keep them contented and healthy.

Dwarf Date Palm

Don’t fall for the term “dwarf” in the name of these beautiful Asian palms. They can grow up to 12 feet indoors under the right conditions, and their lengthy palms make a stunning statement in any space while also removing pollutants from the air.

Caring: The leaves of these indoor air purifying palm plants don’t require much care. They are suited to moist, fertile, and well-draining soil and bright or indirect sunlight. Warm water watering is a bonus, and there’s no need for trimming.

Moth Orchid

Moth Orchids are excellent at ridding your home of xylene and toluene. Do you paint your nails (or the walls) regularly? You’ll want a Moth Orchid in your life.

Caring: These indoor palm plants require little care. They like moist, fertile, and well-draining soil with plenty of sunshine or indirect sunlight. If you water it with warm water, that’s even better. There is no need to trim them.

See also: Sustainable Gardening Tips, Easy Edible Plants to Grow
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