Author: Ericka Porta

Ericka is a writer with 15 years of experience turning ideas into compelling narratives. She has a keen eye on good books and loves grabbing grubs and sumptuous coffee, tea, and beer. She's also into meaningful conversations done on long walks and finds joy in registering revolutions on a bike. Additionally, she's passionate about sustainability and enjoys exploring ways to integrate eco-friendly practices into her daily life. A mom of three boys (1 human baby and 2 fur babies), she cherishes the chaos and love that comes with parenthood.
  1. Better Business
  2. Energy and Environment
  3. Politics and Policy
Banks have significantly transformed how individuals and businesses manage their finances. With technological advancements, services like online banking, mobile payments, and digital transactions have become the norm, making financial management more efficient and accessible than ever before. They play a vital role in the global economy by facilitating everyday transactions and funding large-scale projects and […]

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