Author: Sustainable Review

  1. Earth Week
“It is worse, much worse, than you think.” Welcome to Earth Day, 2020 edition. For future Friday, we are exploring the 2020s and beyond as it relates to the environmental movement. Are we talking about coronavirus? No, we’re talking about climate change. That quote comes from David Wallace-Wells, the author of The Uninhabitable Earth.  Emissions […]
  1. Earth Week
Welcome to Earth Day, 2000s edition. The decade of 9/11, foreign wars, tech takeovers and financial ruin. As we entered the 21st century, the world increasingly understood climate change. From natural disasters to failed diplomatic initiatives, we describe some of the most defining environmental developments of the 2000s below. It was yet another disappointing decade, […]
  1. Earth Week
Welcome to Earth Day, 1990s edition. The U.S. population was 250 million. The Berlin Wall was collapsing. Fresh Prince, Home Improvement and Friends filled our TV screens. Gameboys were the ‘next big thing’. Yes, frosted tips, flat tops and boy bands everywhere. These are the biggest events of the environmental movement of the 1990's that dominated the decade.
  1. Earth Week
This is the 1970s: Watergate, Star Wars, heavyweight boxing, leisure suits, big hair, rock and roll. Add environmentalism to the list. Richard Nixon is most well known for the Watergate scandal, but he was also one of America’s most environmentally influential presidents, and some of his accomplishments are noted below. The first half of the 1970s was marked by governmental actions that had significant impacts both in America and abroad. The second half of the decade included a series of environmental disasters that raised widespread consciousness into the importance of protecting our planet.
  1. Lifestyle

The scoop In the world of factory farming, public health risks are completely ignored.

Could applying “social distancing” rules to animals really help us all live healthier and safer lives?

Why it matters Most animals (both wild or domestic) carry some type of virus. It’s easy enough to learn from the recent outbreak and stay away from wildlife. But what about domesticated animals in factory farms? Farm animals carry many diseases.

As the world population increases, so does the demand for meat products. More meat = more crowded spaces in factory farms.

Bottom line Removing factory farming, or significantly improving its operations, is a contributing factor in preventing another public health disaster.

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