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The rapid proliferation of photovoltaics (commonly solar cells) and electric vehicles is occurring at an extraordinary pace. The primary goal for climate protection remains achievable, as indicated by the International Energy Agency (IEA). The effects of climate change are increasingly palpable. This is evident from the hottest summer period in the history of global measurements, […]
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There’s a Way to Better Batteries. Produced Without Human Suffering and Environmental Destruction Lithium-sulfur cells can deliver several times more energy in the same volume as lithium-ion ones. However, they had one fundamental problem – their short lifespan. It seems that this issue has been resolved. This could bring relief to millions of people and […]
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Hydrogen would be a 100% eco-friendly fuel if not for a few issues. The primary challenge is its extraction. Earth’s hydrogen reserves are scarce. While hydrogen can be produced from water, it requires resources and energy, which is where complications arise. Hydrogen’s Reaction with Air When hydrogen (H) burns in air (containing oxygen, O), it […]
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Yes, they can. The first bacteria capable of decomposing nylon were discovered in the 1970s. However, it took almost half a century to discover others that can break down PET (Polyethylene terephthalate). Will they ever consume our trash? There’s already such a recycling facility in France. The Story Begins in 2001 at a Landfill in […]
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